Week 3

So then, this week we were given the task of creating a short news broadcast, we had meet up last week and acquired a presenter to read the news, then after the workshop last week we decided upon our roles. I decided to be the Captions manager which is nothing like what it sounds like. When I chose it, I was expecting to be operating the teleprompter or creating subtitles, but instead I was handling inserting the pictures from our stories and the news logos transition. Don’t get me wrong It wasn’t bad at all, I actually quite enjoyed it because its not normally what I’d associate myself with doing at all in the media industry. It was just different is all. Overall, I feel we did a good job on the broadcast and that our group works well as a team. Although I did notice several things we could have improved upon though. Mostly we should have rehearsed the end instead of jumping straight into it like we did, but I don’t mind letting that one slide as we had over run the schedule anyway and ended up fully finishing the workshop half an hour late and the instructions could have been more clear as we had people talking over each other cues over lapping each other and whatnot, but I suppose that’s what i'll have to get used to if I go into studio work.
We altered the set to appear more like a newsroom


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